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We provide access to Generative AI APIs.

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Our APIs

Feature 1

OpenAI GPT models

text-embedding-ada-002, gpt-35-turbo, gpt-35-turbo-16k, gpt-4, gpt-4-32k, dalle2* , whisper*

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Feature 2

Llama 2

Coming soon...

Feature 3

Stable Diffusion

Coming soon..

Making GenAI accessible is our priority.

The Diwali magic is here! Our special Diwali edition of CreateRealMagic is NOW LIVE for India and select neighboring countries! Brace yourselves, it's packed with amazing features, including GPT-Turbo Vision, and the legendary DALL-E 3 Your creativity will definitely skyrocket! Thrilling to share, it's a masterpiece born out of a dynamic partnership with OpenAI⚡️And don't worry, scaling on the mighty Azure is ready to support millions of YOU! Making this revolutionary technology accessible to everyone is a dream turned reality for me! Let's add some magic to this Diwali and create unforgettable memories Let's CreateRealMagic ✨ Happy Diwali!
Emerging Technologies Team

The Coca-Cola Company